Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friendship Poems


Faithfulness is the key to being a good friend,
Respect them from beginning to end.
Neglect is something never to do,
Depend on them they’ll see you through.
Secrets are things you should be able to share,
Helping them out and showing you care.
Inseparable is how we will be,
Preparing for life: just you and me.

More than Friendship

When I think of you going away,
It makes me sad and get all mad,
When I hear your name it makes me smile,
My friends say I could go on for a mile,
But to let someone go away from you,
It's like tearing your heart into pieces of two,
I just want to say,
That I still like you,
Even if we are just good friends,
I'll still believe in you,
May God guide you where ever you go,
And remember I'm here to watch your light grow.

losing a friend

you were once here by my side
now you're gone and I wave good bye
we were friends when we were small
we were friends when we grew tall
when times were rough we tried to work it out
we gave each other advice

true friend

through good times & bad
through thick & through thin
when I did belong you help me fit in
you gave me a place in a world strange to me


Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!

I thought about that smile,
then I realized it's worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Eart
your sweet smiling face was I could see
in a world full of frowns your laughter came through
when I found a friend that was true
when we were in doubt
we always had fun together
our friendship felt like it would last forever
till the day came when your life ended
I said good bye to my best friend
I never thought that this day would happen
my best friend is now in heaven

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