Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Blood Room

They don't understand. As I sit here in this chair I wonder why. Why are they doing this to me? What do they want? They speak a language unknown to me. They place the red hot iron upon my flesh and I plead for mercy. He yells at me again and all I can say is "Why?" Tears pour down my face and now he pulls a knife from his pocket. "No god, please no!" I plead over and over. He starts to cut away at my fingernails and pry them off one by one. Blood pours from the exposed nail bed. So much pain, and for what? I don't know. Soon the pain began to ebb. He put the knife away and stared me in the eye. Again he screamed what sounded like babble. I replied with a stare. He left the room. I was in too much pain to sleep.

Hours later he entered again. My eyesight began to fail me. He got up in my face once more. In his left hand he had a metal spoon and he held it to my face. He shouted again, spitting in my face. He expected an answer and I again replied with the same facial expression. He stabbed the spoon into my eye. I screamed in pain, it was actually more of a shriek. He pried my entire eye out. "Why?!?!" I yelled again "Why?!" Blood poured from the black empty socket that was once my eye. He spat in my face and repeated the same words he always had. He went for my last remaining eye. I lost my will to live at that moment. Anything, I would have done anything to die just then so I would suffer no more. Then everything went dark.

I could not tell if i was dead or alive. I could see nothing but darkness, for my sense of sight has been ripped from my body. I can breathe and still feel the uncomfortable chair I have been stuck to the past several days. My body aches, I have not eaten nor slept since I was put here. I feel as if my body is starting to devour itself.

Several hours later I heard the door open. Footsteps made their way towards my defiled body. He whispered in my ear the same thing. I replied with a wail of pain. It was followed by a punch in the face. I spat blood on the floor. I heard him move about the room,and then I heard some clanging metal. He walked back over. Pain shot through my shoulder as I felt a hot iron rod stab into my skin. I could smell my own skin burning, and then he went for the other shoulder. I was too weak to speak, all I could do was cry in pain. Anymore pain and I was going to die. I felt rivers of red stream down my shoulders from the wounds. He left again. Now all I could think of was my little girl. Such a sweet innocent child who did not deserve to have her father taken from her. Before I ended up here, all of us were on a vacation in Cancun. I fell asleep in the hotel with my wife by my side, and now I find myself here. "How?" I ask myself. How did I end up here?

The door opened again for the last time. He slowly paced towards me, his boots hitting the concrete, I felt cold metal touch my forehead, and then my wish was fulfilled. The barrel of a pistol. The split second after the click I realized he was finally going to let me be at peace.

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